Litter Pickup
One of the important conservation activities of our Chapter is litter cleanup at two major river access areas. We meet for litter cleanup once every quarter, with Burrell’s Ford on the 1st Saturday of the first month of the quarter and the Eastatoe River access on the 1st Saturday of the second month of each quarter. Changes due to weather, football schedules and any other relevant conflicts will be determined and rescheduled for the next available Saturday. For the Burrell’s Ford area, we meet at 9:00am at the intersection of Burrell’s Ford Road and Rt. 107. For the Eastatoe River access we meet at 9:00am at the Dug Mountain Angler Access Area off Roy F. Jones Road about a mile north and off SC Rt. 11. Everyone is encouraged to come and get some great exercise and satisfaction from volunteering to help in trash cleanup at our river access areas. Feel free to bring family members and friends. The schedule is shown on the Chapter Events Section of the CRCTU website and reminders are typically sent out to Chapter members via Mail Chimp the week before the cleanup.
See you there!
BURRELLS FORD trash pick dates
February 29th.
We may add one for October or November