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The Chattooga River Chapter of Trout Unlimited holds regular chapter meetings on the first Tuesday of every month. The meetings begin at 7:00PM and typically last until around 8:30PM. CLICK HERE... for more information.
The Beginning
Following an exploratory meeting of interested upstate trout fishermen on May 25, 1988, the CHATTOOGA RIVER CHAPTER of TROUT UNLIMITED (CRCTU) was organized in Clemson, SC on June 15, 1988. This chapter was created to fill the gap between active chapters in Greenville, SC (Mountain Bridge Chapter) and Clayton, GA (Rabun County Chapter). A number of early members transferred from the Mountain Bridge Chapter to the new chapter for travel convenience.
At the organizational meeting the following initial officers and directors were elected:
Art Shick, President; Lindsay Chase, VP; Ray Mortensen, Secretary; Webb Alspaugh, Treasurer and Directors: Robert Cureton, Gus Gustafson, Ellis Ivey, Ben Dysart, John Steed and Earl Highfill.
The new chapter became very active from the start. Secretary Ray Mortensen initiated a chapter newsletter – the Long Line Release (LLR), and in the December 1988 first edition he reported the beginning of the Corbin Creek Habitat Improvement Project in partnership with the landowner Duke Power Co. and under the leadership of David Van Lear. An application to National TU for an Embrace-a-Stream Grant for assistance in project funding was made and subsequently approved. Ray also reported on speakers obtained for the next several meetings, plans for the annual TU Banquet fundraiser in February, and the need for member action on water quality regulations proposed by DHEC.
CRCTU was off and running and the pace of activities has continued until the present.
-Webb Alspaugh
Overview and Purpose
The Chattooga River Chapter is composed principally of trout fishers from the upstate of South Carolina. There are SC chapters to the east – Mountain Bridge and Saluda River – GA chapters to the west – mainly Rabun County, and NC chapters to the north – principally Tuckaseegee, Pisgah and Land ‘O Sky. CRCTU, with the other SC chapters form the SC Council which, in turn, is coordinated by the national TU organization based near Washington, DC. Individually and collectively these organizations actively support cold water conservation and related water quality and fisheries issues at local, regional and national levels. This support can take the form not only of fundraising and call for appropriate legislative and regulatory action, but of working with local state and federal officials and private interests on such activities as trout habitat improvement, data gathering, and stocking. TU chapters also promote responsible trout fishing to individuals and groups.
Other resources for the history of the CRCTU
Those who want more detail on CRCTU history should consult the bound copies of all chapter monthly newsletters (the Long Line Releases). This is a complete file beginning with the first newsletter in December 1988. It was created by contributions from several members, with coordination by Ben Morton, then chapter Secretary.
Both this writing and the complete file of newsletters are just black ink on white paper and while the content may be accurate, it has little color. For this you will need to come to an early chapter outing and pull up your chair at the campfire next to one of the old timers. You may learn more that you really wanted to know, but it will be reasonably accurate, hopefully entertaining, and will be in full color.
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